Welcome to Q.E.D. Recordings

UPDATE: First pressing is currently sold out. Thanks to all the people and shops who have supported. If you move quickly, some may still be available in shops. Sign up for the email list to be the first to find out about any subsequent releases and any potential represses of the first one.
The first release is in! Three tracker of grimy house music for that ass.
Records are $10 with $5 shipping for up to three copies in the US. Shipping to Canada is $25 for up to three records. International shipping is $30 for one, up to three copies for $35.
Order by sending an email to qedrecordings@gmail.com stating your address and how many copies you want. I will then reply with the amount you can Venmo or Paypal to complete the order.
Sign up to the email list to be the first to find out about new releases. Emails will only be sent when new releases are available or when very important info needs to be revealed.